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Vladimir Putin Meets with Members of the Valdai Discussion Club.
Vladimir Putin took part in the final session of the Valdai Discussion Club’s 14th Annual Meeting, which this year took the theme The World of the Future: Moving Through Conflict to…
Globalizing Compassion: Advancing the Work of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi
“Friends! We live in an age of rapid globalisation. We are connected through high-speed Internet. We exchange our goods and services in one single global market, thousands of flights connect…
Ingen nasjonalstat uten nasjonen
Vi er i en tid der nedarvede tanker utfordres. De mentale kartene vi alle bruker for å plassere oss i landskapet, stemmer ikke over ens med terrenget. Gamle forstillinger om…
Til Ungdommen
Det er ikke greit å være konservativ, men det går greit. Published: Minerva: 31. mai 2021 En morgen i 1996 våknet jeg opp med en dundrende hodepine, og et vagt…
The Nobel Peace Prize: Past, Present, and Future
The Nobel Peace Prize is the most prestigious award of its kind in the world, and Asle Toje, a member of the committee that decides who the winners are, gave…